Sunday, November 20, 2011

Getting rid of even more stuff

Today I had to deal with my clothes.  I have been in the process of switching from summer clothes to fall/winter clothes and of switching from regular to maternity clothes.  It has looked like my closet threw up all over my bedroom for weeks.  Every time I tried to work on it one of the kids got hurt or needed me desperately.  It is finally done now.  My clothes that I am not actively wearing are sorted by season and by when I anticiapte being able to wear them again after this baby is born and put away under the bed or on a closet shelf.  On a side note, we bought some Space Bags several years ago to store things under the bed.  We HATE them.  At this point we are still using them because they are what we have, but we hope to replace them with something else soon.  I also got rid of some clothes that fall into the "even if I could wear this again, I shouldn't" category.  As I sorted through these clothes I was appalled to see the percentage of my clothes that I have had since high school.  These are mostly t-shirts from the softball team and yearbook staff.  I really should get rid of these.

I also went through some boxes in my closet where I had just been storing various things.  I am embarrassed by some of the things that I have been holding onto for years.  The stuff I got rid of includes:
 -ticket stubs from a Sting/Annie Lennox concert from 2004, Bob Dylan concert from 1999, and Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers conert from 2005
 -ticket stubs from a flight to Montevideo, Uruguay in 2005 (this was my first flight and so far my first and only missions trip)
 -a pocket "Guia de Montevideo" from the 7 weeks my husband and I spent there (because apparently I might need to know where to catch a bus in a South American city I haven't been in for over 6 years)
 -my high school graduation program from 2001
 -a ton of cards from my baby shower in 2007, birthday cards, Valentine's Day cards, Easter cards, and so on
 -various drawings from kids I used to babysit
 -extra Christmas cards that I ordered for Christmas 2007
 -17 extra birth announcements from when my 4 year old was born

Some of the few things I kept are a photo of Tom Selleck's star on the Walk of Fame and an acrostic poem that a 7 year old wrote for me 7 years ago.  The poem made me smile, so I will share it with you (spelling is his):

Me and her ar freinds
Exelint at art
In Bellivebel
Exelint taste in musice

I don't think he knows that laughable means "of a kind to provoke laughter or sometimes derision : amusingly ridiculous " (Merriam-Webster).  That is what I am choosing to tell myself anyway.

What do you have a hard time getting rid of?

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